Support the IDGs

Help us to continue reaching, inspiring and connecting changemakers all over the world. 

Help us to continue reaching, inspiring and connecting changemakers all over the world. We rely on donations and support to carry out our mission to keep our tools, practices, and key global programs open and free.

If you would like to schedule a conversation with a member of our fundraising team, or to learn more about how to include the Inner Development Goals in your estate plans or how to make your gift by check, bank transfers, or other means, please email us at:

Thank you so much.

We are inviting donors and those who contribute to this end-of-year campaign, to an online interactive event. We’ll share our journey of using our tools to navigate change, current initiatives, and most importantly, engage in dialogue with you about where this moment is calling us next. If you’ve donated be on the lookout in early December for an invite to this event.

Your donation payments will be received by IDG Inner Development Goals AB, a Swedish company with dividend limitation, fully owned by the IDG Foundation. The IDG Foundation sets up and supervises the governance priciples and rules of conduct for all IDG activities, while the company hosts all IDG’s operations and their financing.

The donation will be accounted for as a general financial contribution to the company’s budget and operations. It will not implicate any form of specific reciprocation to the donor, i.e. it cannot be regarded as a purchase of any kind of service or product from the IDG.

Donations to IDG, as clarified above, are presently not deductible from private or company tax in Sweden. Please turn to your the tax authorities in your own country to find out what is the case for your particular country.

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