

16–18 October
Stockholm, Sweden
& Online


Awaiting you at this year’s Summit is a diverse and talented lineup of speakers, artists and facilitators ready to inspire and guide you on your journey of inner development for global impact.

From renowned thought leaders to visionary artists and ideas whose time has finally come, our collective of voices promises to ignite your passion and empower you to create positive change.

From household names in business, leadership, and sustainability to emerging voices with encouraging stories and ideas, our diverse speakers are not just ahead of the curve – they are actively shaping it.

Get ready to be inspired by their insights, challenged by their perspectives, and empowered to embark on your own journey as we explore the intersection and space in between inner development and global impact.

Our Storytellers

"An organisation cannot evolve beyond its leadership’s stage of development"

Frederic Laloux :globe_with_meridians:

Author & Co-Founder, The Week


Frederic Laloux is a celebrated business thinker and social entrepreneur. His seminal book ‘Reinventing Organizations’ has sold more than 1,000,000 copies in 20+ languages and is widely considered to have opened up a new field of inquiry and practice into a more purposeful, soulful and productive management paradigm. Frederic’s current focus is on ‘The Week’, a powerful new approach to inspire mass mobilisation to confront the climate and environmental breakdown. In the past, he was a former associate partner with McKinsey & Company, received an MBA from INSEAD, and a degree in coaching from Newfield Network.

“At the simplest level, any particular expression of the immunity to change provides us a picture of how we are systematically working against the very goal we genuinely want to achieve.”

Robert Kegan Ph.D. :globe_with_meridians:

Professor of Adult Development, Harvard University


Dr Robert Kegan is a leading figure in adult development, known for his transformative works that have reshaped our understanding of human behaviour and organisational dynamics.

With groundbreaking books like “The Evolving Self” and “Immunity to Change,” he has pioneered a new field of study and profoundly impacted professional practices worldwide.

Dr Kegan has dedicated four decades to advancing the discourse on growth and development. His ITC workshop will empower attendees to challenge their limiting beliefs, foster adaptive behaviours, and cultivate a growth mindset for personal and professional success.

“The point isn’t to be the hero and solve things; the point of the leader in a complex world is to enable and unleash as many heroes and as many solutions as possible.”

Jennifer Garvey Berger, PhD

Co-founder & CEO, Cultivating Leadership 


Jennifer Garvey Berger is a prominent thought leader in leadership and adult development who has contributed significantly to understanding how individuals and organisations can navigate complexity and change.

With a belief that we need a new form of leadership for a new era, she designs and teaches leadership programs, coaches senior leaders and their teams, and supports new ways of thinking about strategy and people. 

Through her books, like “Changing on the Job,” Berger offers practical ways to make leaders’ organisations more successful, their work more meaningful, and their lives more gratifying. 

"The big challenges that we are facing, such as climate change and sustainability, can only be addressed if we have radical collaboration diplomacy.”

Massamba Thioye Ph.D.

Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC


As part of the UNFCCC secretariat, Massamba Thioye is at the forefront of driving innovation to support climate and sustainability actions. Massamba also serves on various advisory committees and actively publishes breakthrough technical papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Through his leadership, he is spearheading the development of regulations, incentive mechanisms, and frameworks aimed at measuring the impact of climate action and enhancing innovation in addressing global sustainability challenges.

Expect insights and strategies for leveraging innovation to support climate action and foster inner development for a more sustainable world.

Gail Whiteman
"As long as climate change experts and business leaders don’t speak the same language, they won’t move in the same direction, or be able to move together to create change."

Gail Whiteman

Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School & Founder, Arctic Basecamp

Professor Gail Whiteman is a renowned expert on global risk from environmental changes and the founder of Arctic Basecamp. She is a Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter and Professor-in-Residence at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) since 2012. 

Gail has spoken at major World Economic Forum sessions, including “What’s at Stake: The Arctic” with Al Gore and Sanna Marin in 2020, and “Unpacking the Polar Crisis” in 2023. An experienced moderator, she has led discussions at events like Reuters Impact and WEF, and her research on ecological risks and resilience includes over 60 peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Nature.

“There is a moment of letting go and a moment of letting in, created in the uncertainty that comes with moving beyond the old paradigm. It is in this space we might be jolted into transformation, into creating the world anew.”

Angel Acosta, PhD

Healing-Centered Educator & Director, Garrison Institute’s Fellowship Program


Dr. Angel Acosta bridges the fields of leadership, social justice and mindfulness. As a member of the 400 Years of Inequality Project, he created the “Contemplating 400 Years of Inequality Experience” to help communities understand structural inequality through mindfulness. 

He is currently the Director of the Garrison Institute’s Fellowship Program and serves as the Creative Director at the NYC Healing Collective, a community initiative curating work and insights at the intersection of healing, wellness, and societal transformation. 

Angel is also developing the Acosta Institute, a digital lab advancing healing-centered education, contemplative social science, and AI innovation. 

“We cannot learn what we already know. If we want to bridge divides, we have to be curious. And curiosity is also the foundation for asking good questions.”

Emma Stenström

Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business & Culture, Stockholm School of Economics


Emma is a highly appreciated teacher and lecturer and has won several pedagogical awards. She has been Associate Dean of SSE and a guest professor at the University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design in Stockholm. 

Besides her academic career, Emma has always worked in media as a columnist, tv-host and many other things.

Emma’s research concerns mainly aesthetic, creative and innovative aspects of social sustainability, the intersection between arts and business, and the humanistic side of management. In 2023, she published a book about bridging differences called “Bubble-hopping”.

"We are so happy at the Nobel Peace Center to be a partner of IDG because we share a common belief in our shared responsibility for the future, for coming generations, and for peace in the world."

Kjersti Flogstad

Executive Director, Nobel Peace Center



Kjersti Fløgstad is the Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo. She previously served as Secretary General of UNICEF Norway from 2000 to 2011, and since 2012, Kjersti has worked as a business consultant and advisor with a focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Before joining the Nobel Peace Center, Kjersti was involved in CSR initiatives at Norway’s largest bank, DNB, particularly in sustainability and diversity programs. She also holds a Master of Business Administration from BI Norwegian Business School and has served on several influential boards, including the aid organisation Care Norway.

“In vulnerability, our humanity comes to the surface. And it’s this very human response which is going to catalyse and raise climate ambition.”

Katie Hodgetts

Founder, The Resilience Project


Katie Hodgetts, a leading voice in empowering youth for climate action, founded The Resilience Project to address the lack of psychological and inner-led support for young activists. 

Through the Resilience Project, she equips young people with essential skills to navigate the challenges of a changing world. Recognised for her work in mental health and climate, she also serves on IKEA’s Young Global Leaders Board. 

Learn from Katie’s experience training hundreds of peers to build inner resilience and discover how you can apply her insights to your own leadership journey.

“When your inner tech is separated from compassion, empathy, community, then you become as robotic as the digital device. What can you do in your everyday life where you remind yourself that you’re still human?”

John Mack

Artist & Founder, Life Calling


John Mack is an author, artist and the founder of Life Calling – a nonprofit dedicated to preserving humanity in the Digital Age.

John envisions a future where humanity and nature thrive regardless of technological advancements. He advocates for a human-centric approach to navigating the Digital Age, ensuring that our investment in technology is matched by an equal investment in our humanity. 

In 2022, John launched “A Species Between Worlds,” an exhibition on our relationship with the digital realm. He has also developed a unique map of human consciousness linking inner realities with outer digital worlds.

"There are periods when, although we’re still on the same earth, we are moving to a different world. We are in one of those periods right now."

Zak Stein, PhD :globe_with_meridians:

Writer, Educator & Futurist


Dr Zachary Stein is a writer, futurist, and transformative educator working to bring a greater sense of justice and sanity to education. He is a Co-Founder of the Civilization Research Institute and the Center for World Philosophy and Religion and now works in fields related to the mitigation of global catastrophic risk. 

Zak is a widely sought-after and award-winning speaker and a leading authority on the future of education and contemporary issues in human development. He is the author of dozens of published papers and two books, including Education in a Time Between Worlds.

“Our differences become the story of who we are. This is what makes us connect. This is what makes us one. This is the Ubuntu Way.”

Wakanyi Hoffman

Author, African Indigenous Knowledge Scholar & Global Speaker of Ubuntu philosophy


Wakanyi Hoffman is a Public Speaker, Global Peacemaker, and expert in indigenous knowledge systems, specialising in African Ubuntu principles. She advocates for embedding wisdom and intercultural values into Artificial Intelligence.

Wakanyi serves on the boards of Seeds of Wisdom, the Kenya Education Fund, and the Contentment Foundation. She has spoken at various global conferences about the Ubuntu principle—“I am because we are”—and was recently a senior academic fellow at The New Institute, where she contributed to the program on ‘Conceptions of Human Flourishing.’

"We are dealing with a scenario where ‘business as usual’ is no longer an option. The companies that succeed in the coming decades will be the companies that have embraced sustainability and embraced the SDGs.”

James Gomme

Director of Education & Knowledge Management, WBCSD


James Gomme is the Director of Education and Knowledge Management at WBCSD, where he equips business leaders with actionable insights to enhance their sustainability efforts and ensures effective use of the organisation’s intellectual capital. 

Since joining WBCSD in 2016, James has led initiatives like the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality and co-developed the Vision 2050 framework for sustainable global living.

With over 15 years of corporate sustainability experience, James previously spent a decade at Mitsubishi Corporation, leading teams in corporate sustainability, public affairs, and investor relations in Europe and Japan.

"We’re not talking about process improvement or things of that nature. We’re talking about human beings."

Tony Bond

EVP, Chief Diversity & Innovation Officer, Great Place to Work


Tony Bond is the Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer of Great Place to Work, the global research and analytics firm renowned for producing prestigious workplace rankings. A strategic thinker and innovator, Tony plays a pivotal role in shaping the organisation’s culture transformation work.

Tony has served as a trusted advisor for executives at leading global organisations. With over 20 years of diverse leadership experience with a Fortune 100 company, he has expertly guided companies through transformational change, culture shifts, mergers and acquisitions, and other human capital initiatives.

“We need to look at the development of a society or a business not purely from a perspective of financial transactions, but from a holistic perspective.”

Tho Ha Vinh, PhD

Former Program Director, Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan & Founder, Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness & Wellbeing


Dr. Tho Ha Vinh is dedicated to promoting happiness and well-being, fostering social change through inner transformation. He founded and chairs the Eurasia Foundation and the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing and has also implemented Gross National Happiness in major companies. His past roles include Program Director at the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan and Director of L&D at the International Committee of the Red Cross. 

Dr Vinh holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education and is an ordained Buddhist teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Vietnamese Zen tradition, as well as the author of numerous books and articles.

“We strengthen the way forward together through a collective focus on our human abilities as leaders and fellow human beings.”

Fredrik Lindencrona, PhD

Head of Research Co-Creation, IDG


Dr Fredrik Lindencrona is a licensed psychologist from Sweden who has spent most of his career researching policy and systems innovation interfaces. Fredrik was one of the initiators of the Inner Development Goals initiative while leading the development of a long-term strategy for human capabilities and wellbeing in the Region of Stockholm. 

Currently Fredrik leads Research Co-creation at IDG, where he has developed an extensive network of many academic partners and 150+ individual researchers who explore the intersection of inner development for a sustainable future in many disciplines across many countries and all continents.

“For me, telling my story is not about asking for forgiveness but about taking responsibility. This is not just about words and emotions – it’s also about action.“

Chen Alon

Theater Director & Israeli Co-founder, Combatants for Peace


Dr. Chen Alon is a theatre activist, director, and scholar, leading the Community Theatre and Artivism Program at Tel-Aviv University. He is a co-founder of Combatants for Peace, a movement of Palestinian and Israeli combatants who have abandoned the way of violence and struggle together non-violently against the occupation, for which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (2017-2018).

Chen’s activism in the complex reality of Israel/Palestine has led him to create new forms of activist theatre with diverse groups. His ‘Polarised Model of Theatre of the Oppressed’ is featured in the documentaries ‘Disturbing the Peace’ and ‘Between Fences’.

"The IDGs are trying to speak a language that everybody can relate to."

Åsa Jarskog

Director, IDG Global Collaboration


With over 35 years of experience in sustainable business development, strategy, and leadership, Åsa has worked in 61 countries across multiple continents, serving a diverse clientele that includes multinational corporations, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, and other governmental and academic institutions. 

A skilled trainer, certified coach and a much-demanded mentor, Åsa is Executive Director of Global Leadership for Sustainable Development and President of the Sweden Africa Chamber. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Business Administration and Economics and is a certified Leadership Coach with additional certifications from MIT, the World Bank, Harvard, and more.

“We live a culture journey internally but it's really about helping the systems that we work with also develop these adaptive and transformative skills so that we can work better together, because these wicked problems in healthcare aren't ones that a corporate entity can solve on its own.”

Nina Bressler

Global Head of Societal Learning and Education, Novartis


Nina Bressler champions continuous learning and leadership founded on purpose, autonomy, and curiosity to unlock the potential in people, teams, and organisations. Her Societal Learning work at Novartis takes a multidisciplinary approach, working with all stakeholders to co-evolve solutions that help us leapfrog into equitable, inclusive, resilient, and compassionate health systems. Nina applies her evolving learnings to additional roles, as a member of the Advisory Forum at the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration, as an Advisory Board Member for an inner development heritage site project in Czechia, and as founder of

“For me it is about creating spaces and helping others create more space for conversations, for connection, and for collective learning.”

Pontus Holmgren

Psychologist, Facilitator and Coordinator of the IDG Hubs and Networks



Pontus Holmgren is a licensed psychologist working with systems change, organisational transformation and leadership development. He is also an actor, conductor and teacher in improvised Playback theatre. Pontus has worked with leadership, teams, cross-collaboration and transformational processes in a multitude of organisations and communities globally since the mid-1990s. He is one of the co-founders of Gro, a network of systems change makers, and has been part of the IDG journey from the start, with a focus on coordinating the global community of IDG Hubs and Networks. 

Our exceptional lineup of artists, curated by the International Teaching Artists Collaborative (ITAC), goes beyond art and aesthetics by infusing inner development throughout the Summit experience. 

From immersive installations to interactive performances, art will seamlessly integrate into the program, with artists co-facilitating Day 2 tracks to enhance the embodiment and holistic nature of the learning journey.

Artistic Collaborators

“Listen to yourself, listen to that voice talking to you quietly, and you will know what is meant for you, what is really true for you”

Rachelle Jeanty

Singer, Meditation Teacher and Vocal Coach


Rachelle Jeanty began her singing journey as a backing vocalist for Celine Dion, gracing legendary stages worldwide. However, she chose to leave the glamour of the music industry to follow her deeper calling: Self-realisation.

Parallel to her solo entertainment career, Rachelle has dedicated herself to offering her voice and music as vehicles for inner development and evolution. Through hundreds of her SPIRIT OF JOY concerts and workshops, she combines music and meditation to inspire personal growth.

Expect captivating, soulful melodies and heartfelt performances that entertain, uplift, and inspire.

“To solve complex societal issues, we require a cross-set of society present in decision-making spaces.”

Madeleine McGirk Rutherford

Managing Director, ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative


Bringing expertise in education, theatre and filmmaking, Madeleine (she/her) is the Founding Managing Director of the International Teaching Artists Collaborative (ITAC), where she has led the building of over 5,000 members in the world’s first global network of participatory artists who work in schools and communities. 

Madeleine specialises in arts for social transformation projects in different settings and has a background in designing creative engagement programming both inside and outside of traditional learning spaces, using arts as a tool for cross-sector topic exploration.

“The liminal zone is important in the arts; it’s not just some intellectual concept. It is the place where the stuff that makes for art happens.”

Eric Booth

Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative


Eric Booth, known as the ‘father of the teaching artist profession,’ is one of the most influential figures in American arts education and has carved out a multifaceted career as a teacher, actor, writer, director, and businessman. 

Eric has played a pivotal role in establishing teaching artist programs at renowned institutions such as Juilliard, Stanford, and Lincoln Center Education, where he has guided the field for over 41 years. His steadfast commitment to nurturing artistic talent and fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts has left a lasting legacy in the industry.

"I judge people by one criterion, and one criterion only: how many people have you pulled over the wall with you?”

Rachael Jacobs, PhD

Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist


Rachael Jacobs lectures in Creative Arts Education at Western Sydney University and is a former secondary arts teacher (Dance, Drama and Music). She has a PhD in creativity and assessment, and her research focuses on arts-based approaches to racial justice education, climate justice and language development. 

Rachael has facilitated art projects in community settings Australia-wide, mostly working in migrant and refugee communities. She is a community activist, aerial artist, and South Asian choreographer who runs her own intercultural dance company and sits on the board of the climate action organisation Sweltering Cities.

Edmund Chow
"Find alignment between what you know, who you are, and who you want to serve and help."

Edmund Chow, PhD

Theatre Director, Applied Storytelling Professor & Teaching Artist


Dr. Edmund Chow is an educator and scholar who has dedicated over 24 years to fostering critical dialogue and social justice through the arts. As the Assistant Director of Academic Governance at the University of the Arts Singapore, he develops interdisciplinary curricula to address contemporary issues and ensures the integrity and quality of the university’s programs.

With studies in applied theatre and pedagogy, Edmund’s work spans diverse environments, from prisons to hospitals, and includes projects from Afghanistan to India. Expect a two-time public speaking champion focused on education, leadership, social justice and the arts.

“I am interested in working in an interdisciplinary way, so depending on the question I am asking, exploring the format and audience/space relationships.”

Francine Kliemann

Founder and Artistic Director, Platô Cultural

Francine Kliemann, an immersive experience designer, is the founder and director of Platô Cultural, renowned for creating immersive and participatory experiences in education and community settings. 

Francine explores innovative approaches to learning and human connection through imagination and play. Platô Cultural, established in 2018 with support from Goldsmiths University, integrates immersive storytelling and new technologies to foster playful experiences that enhance individual and collective learning, forging new connections between people and places.

Additionally, she is an active member of at several networks including ITAC, CAN (Community Arts Network), Learning Planet Alliance, ASHOKA Network and the Catalyst 2030 movement.

“We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our world and we have the opportunity to change it…That’s why I call it a theatre of opportunity”

Simon Sharkey

Artistic Director and CEO, The Necessary Space


Simon Sharkey was one of the founding directors of The National Theatre of Scotland, pioneering the “Theatre Without Walls” approach globally. Over 15 years, he developed groundbreaking participatory and professional arts projects, impacting communities worldwide. Since 2018, he directs “The Necessary Space,” a platform known as a “Theatre of Opportunity,” engaging in diverse projects spanning Brazil, India, Jamaica, Trinidad, Austria, Germany, Canada, and Scotland. 

A recipient of the NESTA International Cultural Leadership Award, Simon is a director, writer, coach, mentor, speaker, and documentary filmmaker, focusing on site-specific theatre and theatre for social change on both grand and intimate scales.

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