the IDGs
Help us to continue reaching, inspiring and connecting changemakers all over the world.
Support Our Work
Our vision at Inner Development Goals (IDG) is a world where inner development unlocks humanity’s potential to create a flourishing future for people and the planet.
In a world facing multiple sustainability crises, the IDG Foundation addresses what has been largely missing in our current approach: the inner capacities needed for lasting systems change.
We focus on identifying, communicating and developing the essential inner skills required to create transformative action for global challenges.
Our framework of five dimensions (Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting) and 23 inner skills and qualities helps individuals, organisations and communities cultivate the abilities needed to address our collective challenges.
Why Donate?
Your support helps us conduct research on the connection between inner capacities and sustainable change, develop evidence-based tools, create accessible educational resources, support our 750+ global communities of practice, and advocate for inner development to be part of the conversation on global sustainability.
If you’d like to connect with our fundraising team or explore more ways to support the Inner Development Goals, please email us at:
Every contribution makes a difference.
Thank you for your support!
Your donation payments will be received by IDG Inner Development Goals AB, a Swedish company with dividend limitation, fully owned by the IDG Foundation. The IDG Foundation sets up and supervises the governance priciples and rules of conduct for all IDG activities, while the company hosts all IDG’s operations and their financing.
The donation will be accounted for as a general financial contribution to the company’s budget and operations. It will not implicate any form of specific reciprocation to the donor, i.e. it cannot be regarded as a purchase of any kind of service or product from the IDG.
Donations to IDG, as clarified above, are presently not deductible from private or company tax in Sweden. Please turn to your the tax authorities in your own country to find out what is the case for your particular country.
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