From Inner
Growth to
Outer Change



16–18 October
Stockholm, Sweden
& Online

The Inner Development Goals Summit 2024

'The Space in Between'

The vision of the Inner Development Goals appeals to people worldwide yet remains abstract. How can 23 inner skills be connected to a more just, sustainable world? At this year’s IDG Summit, we want to face this question and shed light on stories that show how inner development can help us find better solutions to global challenges

In a world that is as fast-paced, complex and challenging as ours, we invite you to step into “The Space in Between” and explore spaces that are often overlooked yet brim with potential for inner growth and innovation for change. The short breath between an incident and our reaction; the divides between opposing political views or approaches; the transformation from an old paradigm to a more interconnected world in balance with our planetary boundaries – transitional moments in our lives and society

At the Summit, we want to collectively navigate these spaces and equip ourselves with understanding and practices to not only face but embrace complexity and the unknown – turning the abstract concept of the IDGs into a lived experience.  

No one needs yet another conference. What we need are spaces where we can share real, authentic stories, spaces that offer a feeling of hope amidst all the urgency and complexity, and spaces that allow for connection from human to human. 

These are the spaces we aim to create at this year’s Summit. Maybe we will not find all the answers we are looking for there, but we will dare to ask the questions. Together, we will take one more step on our path of living into the IDG, and we welcome everyone who will join us on this journey! 

Program status: 4 July 2024, latest version, never final

The Summit Journey 

Select a day to explore the Summit activities

DAY ONE: Oct. 16 - Inspiration



Get inspired by our speakers’ stories on how inner development has led to outer change, enjoy our artistic program, which weaves a red thread through the program, and dive into the 5 IDG Dimension in the dedicated areas in The Space in Between.


Location: Cirkus - Main Stage

Time: 9:00 - approx. 17:30 CET

Host: Katharina Moser, Curator & Director, IDG Summit

What the Vanishing Ice Tells Us About Ourselves

Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School & Founder, Arctic Basecamp


From Inner Growth to Collective Wellbeing: Aligning IDGs with Gross National Happiness

Tho Ha Vinh, PhD, Former Program Director, Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan & Founder, Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness & Wellbeing


Creating Conditions for Being with Each Other

Jennifer Garvey Berger, PhD, Harvard University; Co-founder & CEO, Cultivating Leadership


The Inner & Outer Work of Racial Justice

Angel Acosta, PhD, Healing-Centered Educator & Director, Garrison Institute’s Fellowship Program


Bubble Hopping: Navigating the Space between Differences

Emma Stenström, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business & Culture, Stockholm School of Economics


Holding the Tension: Living into the Criticism around the IDGs

Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator, IDG


The Dawn Chorus: How Youth Activists Can Teach Us Resilience

Katie Hodgetts, Founder, The Resilience Project


Bringing IDGs to Life – Raw Stories from Hubs & Networks Worldwide

With Contributions from the UA IDG Network, ID-X Brazil, the IDG Higher Education Circle and the Asian Wisdom Network
Yuliya Shtaltovna, UA IDG Network: “Building Resilience amid War”
Rafaela Rolim, ID-X Brazil: “Empowering Leaders in Challenging Times”
Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon, PhD, The IDG Higher Education Circle: “Curating knowledge to re-invent the meaning of education”
Marjadi Kooistra, Asian Wisdom Network: “Connecting to Our Inner Wisdom”


Truth Be Told: The Hard Part about Integrating Inner Work into Systems

With Contributions from IDG collaboration partners and other institutions- moderated by Åsa Jarskog, Director, IDG Global Collaboration


Data Proof: Why Collaboration Skills Pay Off

Tony Bond, Executive Vice President, Chief Diversity & Innovation Officer, Great Place to Work


Acting Together with Creativity and Courage in Times of Conflict

Chen Alon, Theater Director & Israeli Co-founder, “Combatants for Peace”
Rana Salman, Palestinian Executive Director, “Combatants for Peace”


End Where We Begin

Jan Artem Henriksson, Executive Director, IDG


Artists on the Main Stage & the 5 Dimension Spaces include:

Eric BoothAuthor, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative
Rachelle Jeanty, Singer (Ex Background Vocalist of Celine Dion), Meditation Teacher & Vocal Coach
Rachael Jacobs, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist
Edmund Chow, Theatre Director, Applied Storytelling Professor & Teaching Artist
Francine Kliemann, Founder and Artistic Director at Platô Cultural
Simon Sharkey, Artistic Director and CEO of The Necessary Space

*Our Artistic Programme is being directed and co-created by the International Teaching Artists Collaborative (ITAC). Teaching Artists from across disciplines who work in communities to deliver the IDGs will introduce each program part along the 5 IDG dimensions.
Full Artistic Program details will be announced soon.


Throughout day 1 – during the breaks and in the evening – we invite you to step into the 5 IDG Dimension Spaces in dedicated areas and rooms all over Cirkus – might it be for a short meditation or to join one of the workshops by our Teaching Artists. We encourage you to dive deeper into exercises and experiences on BEING, THINKING, RELATING, COLLABORATING and ACTING to embody the concepts we are exploring in innovative ways.


Location: Cirkus – 5 dedicated areas, indicated on-site  

Time: During breaks & in the evening until 21:00 approx.

Hosted by: International Teaching Artists Collaborative


Unplug from the event frenzy. Step into a tranquil, warmly lit space throughout the day to delve into the depths of your human BEING. Get comfortable during the breaks and give yourself time to reflect. Listen to soft melodies or join one of our guided meditation sessions offered during the day. Just be.

  • Peace Circle inspired by Traditional Wisdom led by Wakanyi Hoffmann, Author, African Indigenous Knowledge scholar & Global Speaker of Ubuntu Philosophy
  • Sing Your Way into Being led by Rachelle Jeanty, Singer (Ex Background Vocalist of Celine Dion), Meditation Teacher & Vocal Coach

*Full schedule coming soon.

As you move through the Cirkus venue, in the spaces between rooms, we invite you to notice and respond to the many IDG projects and questions on display. THINK with us about how we can stay engaged together beyond the Summit, respond to questions from our community on the living walls, and help us harness our communal wisdom. Let’s THINK together about how to navigate the road ahead positively.

Join us in the RELATING space for guided sessions exploring how we can discover new ways to relate to ourselves, each other and the world around us. Sessions will explore complex topics like: How do we build empathy in polarised settings to foster better relationships? What does it look like to relate to each other in new ways? How can our humility guide how we form bonds?

By sharing our inner responses and realities, we incubate the clarity and connectedness we need. This space aims to support the process of finding connections between so many challenges and opportunities.

*Full schedule coming soon.

Teaching Artist and author Eric Booth invites you to join him in the COLLABORATING space to explore the power of our network as we mobilise towards change together. If you have arrived at the IDG Summit with a specific goal, question, or mission in mind, this is the space for you. Throughout the day the COLLABORATING space will be a place to come, co-create and find a connection as we work towards a communal, concrete outcome together.

  • Change Requires Collaboration: Let’s Activate Inner Skills into Outer Movement led by Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC

*Full schedule coming soon.

If you feel like being active after a day of sitting still, we invite you to get moving in the ACTING space. Join creative engagement experts from across multiple artistic disciplines as we explore together what it means to embody a choice and take action. How do we interpret the actions of others? What does it mean to persevere with optimism and joy? How do we remain courageous in a world of contradicting actions? Explore the many facets of ACTING, and how the competencies we develop can have a lasting impact on ourselves and our communities.

*Full schedule coming soon.

DAY TWO: Oct. 17 - Deep-Dive



On day 2 of the Summit, it’s time to dive deep. Choose one of five program tracks at several venues all over Stockholm and immerse yourself in interactive sessions that aim to explore the meaning and implications of inner development in your respective field.


On-site participation: All on-site participants will have to register for one track via the Summit Online Platform and will stay with it for the entire day.
Digital participation: Given that tracks will be highly interactive on-site, the possibility to live-stream content will be determined as the program develops. Expect that not all tracks will be live-streamed.

*More information on registration & live streams will be provided soon.


TRACK 1 - Building Skills at Large: Integrating Inner Development into Corporate Life

Business Track 1 – accessible for Business ticket holders only

In collaboration with the World Business Council on Sustainable Development

This track offers valuable insights and practical tools for embedding the IDG agenda within your organisation in support of efforts to realise sustainability transformation. You will hear directly from Chief People Officers who will share key learnings from their own IDG journeys, engage in a simulation game and explore emerging strategies and tools for effective IDG activation in a corporate setting.


Speakers include: 

  • Rodney Irwin, Chief Education Officer, WBCSD
  • Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School & Founder, Arctic Basecamp (TBC)
  • Tony Bond, Executive VP, Chief Diversity & Innovation Officer, Great Place to Work
  • Yeşim Özlale Önen, Group President, Human Capital & Sustainability, Sabanci Holding 
  • Lars-Erik Fridolfsson, Head of Fair & Equal, Sustainability, Inter IKEA
  • Nina Bressler, Global Head of Societal Learning, Novartis
  • Kjersti Fløgstad, Exective Director, Nobel Peace Center 
  • James Gomme, Director of Education and Knowledge Management, WBCSD
  • Madeleine McGirk Rutherford, Managing Director, ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative
  • Susan Goldsworthy, Affiliate Professor of Leadership, Communications, and Organizational Change, IMD Business School
  • Emma Stenström, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business & Culture, Stockholm School of Economics

Business Track 2 – accessible for Business ticket holders only

This track is directed at change agents, consultants or IDG ambassadors within their own organisations who are supporting the introduction of IDGs and inner development into business corporations. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran of IDG, this highly interactive session will allow you to learn from those who have already embarked on this transformative journey and share your experience with peers to deepen the awareness of your own growth edge.

Speakers include: 

  • Jennifer Garvey Berger, Co-founder & CEO, Cultivating Leadership
  • Emma Stenström, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business & Culture, Stockholm School of Economics
  • Eric Booth Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative 

In collaboration with Life Calling

The more technology empowers humans, the deeper the call to cultivate our humanity. In this age of rapidly accelerating digital tech, perhaps the question isn’t so much “How can we get ahead through AI?” but rather, “How might we cultivate the best of our humanity?” In this track, we use tech as the ultimate tool—as a digital mirror into the very depths of our inner selves. What might we learn about ourselves through this heightened awareness of self-reflection? Might it be that the true gift of the Digital Age is its prompt to answer, once and for all, the age old question – What does it mean to be human?

Speakers include: 

  • Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator, IDGs
  • John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling
  • Zak Stein, PhD, Writer, Educator & Futurist (digital speaker)
  • Phoebe Tickell Imagination Activist & Founder, Moral Imaginations
  • Wakanyi Hoffmann, Author, African Indigenous Knowledge scholar & global speaker of Ubuntu philosophy
  • Edmund Chow, Theatre Director, Applied Storytelling Professor & Teaching Artist

In collaboration with OECD, Salzburg Global Seminar, Learning Planet Institute, Emory University & others

To build IDGs at scale, we need lifelong IDG learning in all formal and non-formal educational settings. This track aims to boost the start of a coalition of individuals and organisations to drive IDG learning and development along the life course and tackle questions like: What do we envision the future of education with inner development at its core to look like? What breakthrough policies and innovations are out there making such change possible? And how can we use the IDGs to create inclusive learning and development? 


Speakers include: 

  • Tho Ha Vinh, PhD, Former Program Director, Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan & Founder, Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing
  • Francine Kliemann, Founder and Artistic Director at Platô Cultural

In collaboration with the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub

Are you passionate about inner development and climate action? In this track, we will explore how inner transformation supports climate innovation for systemic change. We invite you to engage creatively, connect with key players, share, and develop ideas to nourish lasting, regenerative, and systemic transformations that you can implement in your own community. 

Speakers include: 

  • Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
  • Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG 
  • Jeroen Janss, Co-Founder, Inner Green Deal
  • Mézu Ofoegbu, Artist & Founder, ILab 
  • Dina Baenninger, Strategic Foresight Consultant & Systems Transformation Architect 
  • Jannik Kaiser (digital), Co-Founder, Unity Effect 
  • Laila Martins, UN & IDG Programs & Processes Lead, IDG
  • Rachael Jacobs Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist 


At the end of day 2 we invite everyone to gather again and officially close the IDG Summit 2024 with a celebrative moment of community, joy and dance. Get lost and enjoy yourself in the maze-like rooms of this special Stockholmer party location.


Location: Under Bron, Hammarby Slussväg 2, Stockholm  

Time: 18:30 till the dancefloor closes

DAY THREE: Oct. 18 - Integration


An optional day for all summit participants to connect, digest, and integrate new insights and connections. An open arena without a program but the invitation to you to bring whatever wants to be shared, said or done. 


Location: Elements Stockholm, Jakobsbergsgatan 24  

Time9:00 – 16:00 CET

Hosted by: Pontus Holmgren, IDG Hubs Co-Coordinator 



Before and after the main Summit program, there will be more chances to connect with fellow participants or nature, bring in your own ideas or simply unwind together. Side Events will be communicated soon.

IMPORTANT: Side events are NOT included in the IDG Summit ticket and might cost extra. Please refer to the links mentioned for more information.

Side events are happening on-site only and will not be live-streamed.

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