The Inner Development Goals Summit 2024

The vision of the Inner Development Goals appeals to people worldwide yet remains abstract. How can 23 inner skills be connected to a more just, sustainable world? At this year’s IDG Summit, we want to face this question and shed light on stories that show how inner development can help us find better solutions to global challenges

In a world that is as fast-paced, complex and challenging as ours, we invite you to step into “The Space in Between” and explore spaces that are often overlooked yet brim with potential for inner growth and innovation for change. The short breath between an incident and our reaction; the divides between opposing political views or approaches; the transformation from an old paradigm to a more interconnected world in balance with our planetary boundaries - transitional moments in our lives and society


At the Summit, we want to collectively navigate these spaces and equip ourselves with understanding and practices to not only face but embrace complexity and the unknown – turning the abstract concept of the IDGs into a lived experience.  

No one needs yet another conference. What we need are spaces where we can share real, authentic stories, spaces that offer a feeling of hope amidst all the urgency and complexity, and spaces that allow for connection from human to human. 

Between stimulus and response there is a space...

Viktor E. Frankl

These are the spaces we aim to create at this year’s Summit. Maybe we will not find all the answers we are looking for there, but we will dare to ask the questions. Together, we will take one more step on our path of living into the IDG, and we welcome everyone who will join us on this journey! 

The Summit Journey

Explore the IDG Summit by clicking on the day of your choice.

Welcome to Day One!

Get inspired by our speakers’ stories on how inner development has led to outer change, enjoy our artistic program, 
which weaves a red thread through the program, and dive into the 5 IDG Dimension in the dedicated areas in The Space in Between. 


Program Status: 02nd Oct 2024 (latest version, never final)
Cirkus – Main Stage
Time: 8:45 – approx. 17:45 (All timings CET)
Hosted by: Katharina Moser, Program Curator & Director, IDG Summit
Accompanied by: DJ I Awake

08:45  – WELCOME

  • Coming from the Space in Between
    Maxida Märak, Swedish-Sámi Joik Singer, Hip Hop Musician, Actress & Activist 
  • Opening the Space in Between
    Katharina Moser, Program Curator & Director, IDG Summit & Master of Ceremony
  • Weaving Art into the Space in Between
    Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative  

09:25 – OPENING

  • What the Vanishing Ice Tells Us About Ourselves
    Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School & Founder, Arctic Basecamp

09:45 –  BEING
Rachelle Jeanty, Singer (Ex Background Vocalist of Celine Dion), Meditation Teacher & Vocal Coach

  • Coming Home – Let Us Have a Conversation
    Paul Mbikayi, Civil Servant to Humanity & the Government of the Netherlands
  • From Inner Growth to Collective Wellbeing: Aligning IDGs with Gross National Happiness
    Tho Ha Vinh, PhD, Former Program Director, Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan & Founder, Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing

10:30 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:15 – THINKING
Rosanna Rippel, Spoken Word Artist

  • Listening to the Complexities around Inner Development
    Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator, IDG
  • Bubble Hopping: Navigating the Space Between Differences
    Emma Stenström, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business & Culture, Stockholm School of Economics

12:00 – RELATING 
Simon Sharkey, ITAC Member, Artistic Director and CEO, The Necessary Space

  • Overcoming Fear: A Path from Enemies to Allies
    Chen Alon, Theater Director, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee & Israeli Co-founder, “Combatants for Peace” & Rana Salman, Artist, Activist & Palestinian Executive Director, “Combatants for Peace”
  • Bringing IDGs to Life – Raw Stories from Hubs & Networks Worldwide
    Yuliya Shtaltovna, Professor of Intercultural and International Management, Hochschule Fresenius; Lead, UA IDG Network: “Building Resilience amid War”
    Rafaela Rolim, ID-X Brazil: “Empowering Leaders in Challenging Times”
    Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon, PhD, University of Sydney; Lead, The IDG Higher Education Circle: “Curating Knowledge to Re-invent the Meaning of Education”
    Marjadi Kooistra, Asian Wisdom Network: “Connecting to Our Inner Wisdom”
    moderated by Erica Harpe, IDG Hub Dialogue Team & Pontus Holmgren, Hubs & Networks Coordinator 

13:00 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

Jose D’Angelo, Sound Artist, Composer, Musician & Educator

  • Creating Conditions for Real Collaboration
    Jennifer Garvey Berger, PhD, Harvard University; Co-founder & CEO, Cultivating Leadership
  • Paving the Way: The Potential of Integrating IDGs into Organisations & Systems
    Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, UNFCCC – Global Innovation Hub
    Aitor Llodio Rodriguez, Executive Director, ALIARSE
    Kristen Cordell, White House Leadership Development Program
    Peggy Dulany, Founder and Chair, Synergos
    moderated by Åsa Jarskog, Director, IDG Global Collaboration
  • Data Proof: Why Collaboration Skills Pay Off
    Tony Bond, Executive Vice President & Chief Impact Officer, Great Place to Work 

16:00 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

16:45 – ACTING
Rachael Jacobs,
PhD, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist

  • The Dawn Chorus: How Youth Activists Can Teach Us Resilience
    Katie Hodgetts, Founder, The Resilience Project
  • End Where We Begin
    Jan Artem Henriksson, Executive Director, IDG
  • Leaving for the Space in Between
    Katharina Moser, Program Curator & Director, IDG Summit & Master of Ceremony
    All Artists led by Simon Sharkey, Artistic Director & CEO of The Necessary Space

The Main Stage program ends around 17:45. The program in the 5 Dimension Spaces continues until around 21:00 (please check out the program below). 

*Our Artistic Programme is being directed and co-created by the International Teaching Artists Collaborative (ITAC). Teaching Artists from around the world and across disciplines who work in communities to deliver the IDGs will introduce each program part along the 5 IDG dimensions.

The 5 Dimension Spaces


Throughout day 1 – during the breaks and in the evening – we invite you to step into the 5 IDG Dimension Spaces in dedicated areas and rooms all over Cirkus – might it be for a short meditation or to join one of the creative workshops led by our Teaching Artists. We encourage you to dive deeper into exercises and experiences on BEING, THINKING, RELATING, COLLABORATING and ACTING to embody the concepts we are exploring in innovative and holistic ways.

Location: Cirkus – five dedicated areas, indicated on-site 
Time: During breaks and in the evening until approx. 21:00
Hosted by: International Teaching Artists Collaborative (ITAC)


Unplug from the event frenzy. Step into a tranquil, warmly lit space throughout the day to delve into the depths of your human BEING. Get comfortable during the breaks and give yourself time to reflect. Listen to soft melodies or join one of our guided meditation sessions offered during the day. Just be. 

Venue: Upstairs Bar, Cirkus

Guided Sessions:

led by Bart Weetjens, Zen Buddhist Monk & Social Entrepreneur

led by Bart Weetjens, Zen Buddhist Monk & Social Entrepreneur

13:20 – 13:50 – BE IT: MEDITATION IN MOTION 
led by Minds Unlimited 

13:55 – 14:25: GUIDED MEDITATION
led by Rachelle Jeanty, Singer (Ex Background Vocalist of Celine Dion), Meditation Teacher & Vocal Coach

16:10 – 16:40: BEING BUSY OR BUSY Being 
led by Minds Unlimited  

18:00 – 19:15: SING YOUR WAY INTO BEING 
led by Rachelle Jeanty, Singer (Ex Background Vocalist of Celine Dion),
Meditation Teacher & Vocal Coach

As you move through the Cirkus venue, in the spaces between rooms, we invite you to THINK together:

  • Explore the digital screens showcasing projects from across the IDG community. 
  • Respond to big questions we are pondering on the living walls, and help us harness our communal wisdom.
  • Leave your thoughts and messages in the “love letters” for our mainstage speakers. 

Venue: In the Spaces Between


Join us in the RELATING space for guided sessions on discovering new ways to relate to ourselves, each other and the world around us, exploring questions like: How do we build empathy in polarised settings to foster better relationships? What does it look like to relate to each other in new ways? How can our humility guide how we form bonds?

Venue: Downstairs lobby, next to wardrobe

Guided Sessions:

led by Marcia Dunodell, ITAC Member, Educator, Pedagogical Coordinator & Artist-Researcher

led by Simon Sharkey, ITAC Member, Artist, Facilitator, Director & CEO, The Necessary Space

led by Francine Kliemann, ITAC Member, Expert in Immersive Transformation & Founder & Artistic Director, Platô Cultural

led by Dr Rachael Jacobs, ITAC Member Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist

If you have arrived at the IDG Summit with a specific goal, question, or mission in mind, this is the space for you. Teaching Artist and author Eric Booth invites you to join him in the COLLABORATING space during each break to explore the power of our network as we mobilise towards change together. Throughout the day, this will be a place to participate in hands-on guided collaboration and partnership building as we work towards a communal, concrete outcome together.

Venue: Small Cirkus Theatre (next to main entrance)

led by Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder, ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative

If you feel like being active during a day of lots of sitting, we invite you to get moving in the ACTING space. Join creative engagement experts as we explore what it means to embody a choice and take action. How do we interpret the actions of others? What does it mean to persevere with optimism and joy? How do we remain courageous in a world of contradicting actions? Explore the many facets of ACTING and how the competencies we develop can have a lasting impact on ourselves and our communities.

Venue: Backstage (follow signs for route)

Guided Sessions:

led by John Michael Schert, Artist, Producer, & Social Entrepreneur

led by Dr Edmund Chow, ITAC Member, Applied Theatre Director, Academic, & Teaching Artist

led by Michael Finneran, Applied Social Theatre Practitioner

 VENUE, New Cirkus
led by Dr Chen Alon, ITAC Member, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Theater Director & Israeli Co-founder, “Combatants for Peace” & Rana Salman, Artist, Activist & Palestinian Executive Director, “Combatants for Peace”

19:30 – 21:00 – PEACE CIRCLE  – VENUE, New Cirkus
led by Wakanyi Hoffmann, Author, African Indigenous Knowledge Scholar & Global Speaker of Ubuntu Philosophy & Phoebe Tickell, Imagination Activist & Founder, Moral Imaginati

Day Two - Thursday, October 17 - Deep Dive

Welcome to Day Two!

 On day 2 of the Summit, it’s time to dive deep. Choose one of five program tracks at several venues all over Stockholm and immerse yourself fully in interactive sessions that aim to explore the meaning and implications of inner development in your respective field. 


On-site participation: All on-site participants have to register for one track via the Summit Online Platform and will stay with it for the entire day. “First come, first serve” applies until Tracks are full. You have been invited to the Summit Online platform via email. Please enter to register for a track no later than 07 OCT.

Digital participation: Given that tracks are highly interactive on-site, we cannot live-stream all content. Please check the description for each track.

The 5 Tracks

TRACK 1 - Building Skills at Large: Integrating Inner Development into Corporate Life

Accessible for Business ticket holders only

Location: Kulturhuset, Sergels Torg 
Hosted by: Madeleine McGirk Rutherford, Managing Director, ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative
Digital access: This Track will be live-streamed 


In collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

This track is for you if you want to know how to activate the IDGs among corporates. We will offer valuable insights and practical tools for embedding the IDG framework within your organisation to support efforts to realise sustainability transformation. You will hear from Chief People Officers who share key learnings from their IDG journeys and explore emerging strategies and tools for effective IDG activation in a corporate setting.

9:00 – 9:45 – Checking in with Sustainable Development (Input)
Rodney Irwin, COO, WBCSD 
James Gomme, Director, Education and Knowledge Management, WBCSD 

9:45 – 10:30 – IDG Voyage Mapping (Interaction)
Madeleine McGirk Rutherford, Managing Director, ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative 

10:30 – 11:00 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:00 – 12:30 – Exploring IDG Integration (Input & Interaction)
Tony Bond, Executive Vice President & Chief Impact Officer, Great Place to Work
Nina Bressler, Global Head of Societal Learning, Novartis
Yeşim Özlale Önen, Group President, Human Capital and Sustainability, Sabanci Holding 
Lars-Erik Fridolfsson, Head of Fair and Equal, Sustainability, Inter IKEA 
moderated by James Gomme, Director, Education and Knowledge Management, WBCSD 

12:30 – 13:30 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

13:30 – 14:30 – Tools for success (Input) 
Kjersti Flogstad, Exective Director, Nobel Peace Center 
Susan Goldsworthy, Affiliate Professor of Leadership, Communications, & Organizational Change, IMD Business School
Jessica Carragher Wallner, Partner, PwC
moderated by Rodney Irwin, COO, WBCSD  

14:30 – 15:00 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:00 – 16:30 – Approaching the IDGs with Courage and Optimism (Interaction)
Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School & Founder, Arctic Basecamp 

16:30 – 17:00 – Wrapping up & Looking Forward (Interaction)


Curation Circle: James Gomme, WBCSD; Madeleine McGirk, ITAC; Katharina Moser, IDG

TRACK 2 - Beyond Business as Usual - Leading from Within

Accessible for Business ticket holders only

Location: Kulturhuset, Sergels Torg 
Hosted by: Mickael Drouard & Axel Zimmer, Co-founders, Fabric
Digital access: This Track will be live-streamed 

In collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

This track is directed to those willing to bring the IDGs into business organisations and seeking inspiration from real-life experiences to build their approach. You will engage closely with consultancies, corporate L&D, CEOs, and business leaders with unique expertise in implementing IDGs in business settings. The program is designed as an immersive journey; we will leverage the collective wisdom in the room to help you explore your edge with IDG and strengthen your ability to apply this framework in addressing the adaptive challenges you face. 

9:00 – 10:00 – Rise to Love (Interaction)
Jennifer Garvey Berger, Co-founder & CEO of Cultivating Leadership

10:00 – 10:20 – Harvesting the Strengths (Interaction)
Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative 

 10:20 – 10:50 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

10:50 – 12:30 – Learning Expedition: How to Implement IDGs? (Input)

3 Rounds to Discover 13 Real-Life Experiences:
Mark McMordie, Microsoft Case Study on Psychological Safety
Johan Kahlstroem, Country President and Managing Director, Novartis
Rainer von Leoprechting, Co-Founder, Fraendi
Torbjörn Eriksson, CEO and Founder, Worklife
Pernilla Wikman, Global Business Tech Leader, Telia
Verena Schaad, Chapter Lead Culture, Corporate Change and Organizational Development & Jennie De Wahl, Country HR Partner, Bayer Pharma
Martin Lindström, Founder, The Human Core 
Tatjana Wittig, Executive Lead for AICC Guide, Deutsche Telekom
Gunnar Michanek, CEO, Minds Unlimited & Hillevi Priscar, Country Manager, OX2
Chloé Grabli, Partner, Fabric
Maria Grazia Testa, Founding Partner & CEO, Ecologies
Kai Grunewald, Global Leader, Aberkyn (a McKinsey Company)
David Ekelund, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Icebug

 12:30 – 13:45 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

13:45 – 14:10 – Recenter Yourself (Interaction)
Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative 

14:10 – 14:50 – Bubble Hopping – Deep Dive. Riding the Waves between IDG Lovers and IDG Sceptics
Emma Stenström, Associate Professor & Co-Director of Center for Arts, Business and Culture
Jennifer Hansen, Organisational Development Consultant, Facilitator & Coach

14:50 – 15:30 – Harvesting Key Learnings (Interaction)

15:30 – 15:50 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:50 – 16:30 – Moving Forward on My Quest (Interaction)
Eric Booth, Author, Teaching Artist & Co-Founder of ITAC – International Teaching Artists Collaborative 

16:30 – 16:50 – Gratitude Souk (Interaction)
Jennifer Garvey Berger, Co-founder and CEO of Cultivating Leadership

16:50 – 17:00 – Closing (Input)


Curation Circle: Mickael Drouard, Fabric; Axel Zimmer, Fabric; Hannah Lux, IDG

TRACK 3 - The Digital Mirror: AI's Prompt for Humanity

Location: Fotografiska (Room “Annie”, downstairs), Stadsgårdshamnen 22
Hosted by: Edmund Chow, Applied Theatre Director, Academic, & Teaching Artist
Digital access: This Track will be live-streamed 

In collaboration with Life Calling


The more technology empowers humans, the deeper the call to cultivate our humanity. In this age of rapidly accelerating digital tech, perhaps the question isn’t so much “How can we get ahead through AI?” but rather, “How might we cultivate the best of our humanity?” In this track, we use tech as the ultimate tool – as a digital mirror of the very depths of our inner selves. What might we learn about ourselves through this heightened awareness of self-reflection? Might it be that the true gift of the Digital Age is its prompt to answer, once and for all, the age-old question – What does it mean to be human?

9:00 – 9:15 The Digital Mirror: AI’s Prompt for Humanity? – Setting the Stage (Input)
Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator & Chair, IDG

9:15 – 9:50 AI and the Unconscious Migration: Investing in the Inner (Input)
John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling

9:50 – 10:05 –  Sense-Making & Immersive Reflection (Interaction)
Kathryn Morrissey, Executive Director, Life Calling
Edmund Chow, Applied Theatre Director, Academic, & Teaching Artist

10:05 – 11:00 – Fostering a Safe Passage for Innovation & Connection with the Rise of AI (Input)
Kwiri Yang, Founder, Second Time Founders, LP & Angel Investor & Executive Leadership Coach

11:00-11:30 – MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:30 – 12:30 –  MI or AI: Moral Imagination in a New Era of AI
Phoebe Tickell, Imagination Activist & Founder, Moral Imaginations 
Wakanyi Hoffmann, Author, African Indigenous Knowledge Scholar & Global Speaker of Ubuntu Philosophy

12:30-12:45: Sense Making & Immersive Reflection (Interaction)
Edmund Chow, Theatre Director, Applied Storytelling Professor & Teaching Artist

12:45-13:00: Notes to Humanity Prompt & Introspection (Input)
John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling
Kathryn Morrissey, Executive Director, Life Calling

13:00 – 14:00 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

14:00 – 14:30 Digital Thoughts (Input)
Zak Stein, PhD, Writer, Educator & Futurist (digital speaker)

14:30 – 15:00 – Conscious Leadership, Benvolent AI & Innovation (Input)
Kwiri Yang, Founder, Second Time Founders, LP & Angel Investor & Executive Leadership Coach

15:00 – 15:30 – Ascension to Reality: Transcending the Artificial Intelligence of the Mind (Input)
John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling

15:30 – 15:50MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:50 – 16:00 – Notes to Humanity Hands-on Activation with Life Calling (Input) 

16:05 – 16:20 Arriving on a New Shore: Ushing in the Age of Humanity (Input)
John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling
Phoebe Tickell, Imagination Activist & Founder, Moral Imaginations 
Kwiri Yang, Founder, Second Time Founders, LP & Angel Investor & Executive Leadership Coach
Kathryn Morrissey, Executive Director, Life Calling
moderated by Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator & Chair, IDG

16:20-16:30 – Sense Making & Immersive Reflection (Interaction)
Edmund Chow, Theatre Director, Applied Storytelling Professor & Teaching Artist

16:30 – 17:00 Where Do We Take It from Here?
John Mack, Artist & Founder, Life Calling
Erik Fernholm, Co-Founder, 29k Foundation & Co-Initiator & Chair, IDG


Curation CircleJohn Mack, Life Calling; Kathryn Morrissey, Life Calling; Erik Fernholm, IDG

TRACK 4 - Learning to Learn: Developing IDGs in Educational Settings for All

Location: Färgfabriken, Lövholmsbrinken 1
Hosted by: Fredrik Lindencrona, Head of Research Co-Creation, IDG; Åsa Jarskog, Director for Global Collaboration, IDG; Francine Kliemann, Founder & Artistic Director, Platô Cultural; Simon Sharkey Artistic Director & CEO, The Necessary Space;
Digital access: This Track will NOT be live-streamed. Instead, we offer a webinar on Friday, Oct 18, 13.00-14:30 CET

In collaboration with Salzburg Global Seminar, Learning Planet Institute and SEE Learning at Emory University


This track explores the IDGs across the Lifelong Learning journey: from early years education through school to higher education and learning later in life. We will take you on an immersive journey that invites you to bring all your knowledge and expertise to a radical collective reimagining of the future of IDGs in Lifelong Learning. This is a call to adventure into an extraordinary world of possibility full of unknowns and innovations yet to be discovered. It is a call to action.

We will explore the trials and triumphs of transformational journeys in the wide and diverse universe of lifelong learning. We will engage you with educational experts to map new horizons and create new pathways that awaken the IDGs as superpowers in individuals, organisations and communities for learning. As part of a team, you will be led through a series of tasks and travel through an extraordinary world where you drive new narratives into reality. In the process you will grow to know yourself, build alliances and get ahead towards the vision you want to make a reality. This is the beginning of a story we expect to grow through collective telling and retelling of what is possible when imagination and creativity are leading the integration of IDGs in formal and informal education.

9:00 – 10:30 Phase 1: Call to Adventure (Interaction)
We set the day’s direction, identify ways to work together and start sharing inspirational examples from across the globe. 
Lewis Cardinal, Communicator, Educator, & Storyteller of Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom
Ryder Delaloye, Associate Director of Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning, Emory University & Lead, IDG K-12 Education Circle 
Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon, PhD, University of Sydney & Co-lead, IDG Higher Education Circle
Yuliya Shtaltovna, Professor of Intercultural and International Management, Hochschule Fresenius & Lead, UA IDG Network,Co-lead, IDG Higher Education Circle
Niels Rot, Rflect & University Coalition for Student Inner Development 
Gloria Mercedes Figueroa Ortiz, General Director, San José de Las Vegas School 

Invited table hosts with expertise in relevant cross-cutting areas include: Jo Rose, Lidija Kolouh, Elif Kus Saillard, Ingrid Bruynse, Gloria Figueroa Ortiz, Jetu Lalvani, Ali Mahlodji and Aitor Llodio Rodríguez. 

10:30 – 11:00 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:00 – 12:30 Phase 2: Meet the Mentors & Explore IDGs as Super Powers Defining Your Hero Journey (Input)
A series of explorative and informative conversations will look at the diversity across the globe and different stages of education through life.

Conversation 1: Exploring Earlier Adventures – Unpacking the Nordic Secret
Tomas Björkman, Founder of Ekskäret Foundation & Co-Initiator & Chair, IDG
Valeriia Chernysh, Salzburg Global Seminar 

Conversation 2: Making Visions for the Future a Reality: Education Up to Higher Education
Tho Ha Vinh, PhD, Former Program Director, Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan & Founder, Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing
Arissa Roy, Student, Youth Activist, Documentary Maker, Founder & CEO, Project Power Global
Madina Sarabi, Student, UWCAdriatic & Afghan Youth Volunteer

Conversation 3: Making Visions for the Future a Reality: Higher Education and Later Life 
Angela Owuso Ansah, Provost & Professor, Ashesi University 
Ron Berlinsky, Social Entrepreneur, Founder & Director, Curiosity Learning

12:30 – 13:30 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

13:30-15:00 Phase 2: Meet the Mentors & Explore IDGs as Super Powers Defining Your Hero Journey (Interaction)
We will identify key barriers and facilitators to achieve the transformations necessary for IDGs in lifelong learning. 
Dominic Regester, Director, Salzburg Global Center for Education Transformation; Salzburg Global Seminar
Yuri Obara Belfali, Head of Early Childhood and Schools, OECD
Anantha Kumar Duraiappah, Former Inaugural Director, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development 

15:00 – 15:30 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:30 – 17.00 – Phase 3: Becoming Prepared (Interaction) 
The adventure teams summarise the input from the day and identify what more they need to bring to make their journey a success. They meet with other teams, mentors and fellow travellers to become prepared.  
Plus table hosts, see above. 

17:00-17:30   Phase 4: Leave Well (Interaction) 
Olivier Brechard, Director Learning Planet Alliance, Learning Planet Institute
Lewis Cardinal, Communicator, Educator, & Storyteller of Indigineous Knowledge and Wisdom


Curation Board: Fredrik Lindencrona & Åsa Jarskog, IDG; Edward Stevenette & Olivier Brechard, Learning Planet Institute; Francine KliemannPlatô Cultural; Yuri Obara Belfali, OECD; Dominic Regester & Valeriia Chernysh, Salzburg Global Seminar; Arissa Roy, Project Power Global; Madina Sarabi, UWC Adriatic student; Ron Berlinsky, Curiosity Learning; Ryder Delaloye, Emory University, Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon & Yuliya Shtaltovna, IDG Higher Education Circle 

TRACK 5 - Transforming Systems: Inner Development for Climate Innovation

Location: Fotografiska (Room “Matsalen”, upstairs), Stadsgårdshamnen 22
Hosted by: Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG & Rachael Jacobs Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University
Digital host: Jannik Kaiser, Co-Founder & Regenerative Measurement & Evaluation Lead, Unity Effect & Emily Johnston, Co-Founder, Unity Effect
Digital access: This Track will be live-streamed and provide interactive Zoom breakout rooms.

In collaboration with UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub & ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation


Are you passionate about inner development and climate action? In this track, we will explore how inner transformation can drive systemic climate innovation in cities and rural communities utilising the expertise of the IDGs and of the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub. Through visioning exercises, you will imagine desirable future cities and identify the inner development needed to make this vision a reality. Through collaborative activities, we then invite you to generate project ideas to support regenerative, resilient and empowering urban and rural environments. We aim to equip you with a deeper understanding of how inner growth can support climate action and provide tools and connections to bring these ideas to life.

9:00 – 9:10 –  Resonance – Uniting Our Voices to Amplify Change (Interaction)
The RESONANCE project utilises what we all have in common: The pure power of sound. RESONANCE empowers every person on Earth to use their voice – symbolically and literally – for the greater good. It transcends our disputes and
differences and lets us align in the simplest yet most profound way.
Dina Baenninger, Transformance Artist & Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation

9:10 – 9:40 – Transforming Systems – Inner Development for Climate Innovation (Input)
Get to know the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub’s vision and methodology for systems innovation to create transformative climate projects and connect deeply, setting the stage for collaborative project development throughout the day.
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead – IDG
RachaelJacobs, PhD, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG

9:40 – 10:10 Conversation: How Can Inner Capacities Help Us Establish Climate Innovation Projects? (Input) 
This discussion will explore how inner development can enhance climate innovation projects in cities and rural communities, and on topics like water or healthcare.
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Helena Harnik, Co-Founder, The Synergist
Michael Bach, Professor for Water Resources Management and Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart/ IDG Water Network
Verónica Alcocer García, Philantropist
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG

10:10 – 10:30 Inner Development in Public Policy and Narratives (Input)
Get to know “The Mindful Cities Initiative (MCI)” and other capacity-building programs that support civic leaders in integrating inner development practices into cross-sector training for community leaders and staff.
Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDGs

10:30 – 11:00 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:00 – 12:30 Translating Vision into Action: Inner Development in Cities (Interaction)
How do inner and outer actions unite to drive meaningful change? Discuss how city governments, in collaboration with business and civil society, can activate and apply inner skills to create more desirable cities, using tools like the IDG Framework, the Community Handprint and the Impact Garden.
Jeroen Janss, Co-Founder, Inner Green Deal
Jannik Kaiser, Co-Founder & Regenerative Measurement and Evaluation Lead, Unity Effect
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead – Germany, IDG

12:30 – 13:30 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

13:30 – 13:50 The Body – A Radical Systems Measurement Tool (Interaction)
How can we use our body as a metaphor when dealing with trust and radical collaboration? Experience how artistic and cultural processes can catalyse globalcommunity-led climate innovation.
Mézu Ofoegbu, Artist & Founder, Infinity Village Lab, assisted by Rachael Jacobs, PhD, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University

13:50 – 14:50 Ideation Lab – Part 1 (Interaction)
Start by crystallising your project ideas – craft an ambitious vision and gather the resources needed to implement inner development for more regenerative, empowering cities. Collaborate to make these ideas tangible, mapping out detailed steps to bring the projects to life.
Marc Buckley, Founder, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation
Dina Baenninger, Transformance Artist & Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation
Moderated by Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead

14:50 – 15:20 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:20 – 16:20 Ideation Lab – Part 2  (Interaction)
Finalise your team’s project idea submission forms, making sure they’re polished, ready to go and perfectly aligned with the UGIH Systemic Innovation Workshop’s requirements. This is your chance to put the finishing touches on your big ideas and ensure they shine!

16:20 – 17:00 Closing & Pathways Forward  (Input)
To conclude the day, we will celebrate the day’s successes and showcase the project ideas that have emerged. IDG and the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub will present engagement pathways to support you in incubating these projects. 
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead – Germany, IDG
Rachael Jacobs, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG


Curation Circle: Laila Martins, RegenBeings (LEAD); Jannik Kaiser, Unity Effect; Jeroen Janss, Inner Green Deal; Mézu OfoegbuInfinity Village Lab; Rachael Jacobs, Western Sydney University; Marc Buckley & Dina Baenninger, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation; Massamba Thioye, Sylvia Otieno & Nitin Arora, United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, Jamie Bristow, IDG

The Space Between Beats
Closing Party

Venue: Trädgården/ Under Bron, Hammarby Slussväg 2, 118 60 Stockholm (Metro: (T) Skanstull) 
Time: Start: 18:30 until the dancefloor ends 
Access: Only with IDG Summit ticket 
Dress code: Dress up in your most fabulous attire, inspired by the IDG colours!

At the end of day 2, join us for a glorious finale of the IDG Summit 2024 at one of Stockholm’s most iconic venues!
To round up this year’s gathering, we invite you to let go, step into your most joyous energy and celebrate all shades of life together. 

Prepare for a magical evening of mingling, dancing and community spirit. Enjoy world-class beats from top DJs, including Thomas Huttenlocher (aka I Awake), Johannes Drakenberg, Johan Blomberg, and more. With three dance floors, fire performances, a karaoke area and Trädgården’s unique mix of urban chic and underground cool, this Closing Party will be the perfect place to once more embrace the balance between Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting in a night of unity and celebration.

Day Three - Friday, October 18 - Integration

Location: Elements Stockholm, Jakobsbergsgatan 24
Time: 10:00 – 16:00 CEST
Hosted by: Pontus Holmgren & Rafaela Rolim, IDG Hubs Co-Coordinators


Welcome to Day Three! 

The Space In Between - the Summit & Reality

On the final day of the Inner Development Goals Summit, we invite you to unwind and fully embrace this optional open space arena. It’s a time to deepen connections, nurture the seeds of inspiration that have taken root, and engage with fellow participants, speakers, and artists in a relaxed, open environment.


The primary objectives of the day is to support: Integration, Networking & Transforming ideas into action

We will be at Elements in central Stockholm and we have a large open atrium at
our disposal as well as a few meeting rooms and an auditorium for up to 90 ppl.

There will be an opening session at 10.00, music and and artistic surprises and
a closing ceremony at 15.30 before the space closes at 4 pm.
There is a cafeteria where you can by refreshments and lunch.

Whether you want to continue conversations with new friends,
join spontaneous discussion circles to explore emerging questions,
take a reflective walk, or dive into a spontaneous workshop,
this free space is ours to shape.

Allow the unexpected to unfold as you integrate and co-create with the vibrant energy of IDG co-creators.

 Already lots of people from all around the world have contacted us
about things they want to showcase and offer during this day.

 Let’s see what wants to emerge in “The Space In Between”!


*If you want to offer a session or set something up before we open the day, you are welcome to enter the space from 09.00.

Side Events - Before & After the Summit

Welcome to the Summit 2024 Side Events!

 Before and after the main summit program, there will be more chances to connect with fellow participants
 or nature, bring in your own ideas or simply unwind together.  


IMPORTANT: Not all side events are included in the IDG Summit ticket and might cost extra. 
Please refer to the links or information mentioned. 
All in-person side events are happening on-site only and will not be live-streamed.


Pre-Summit Special feat Frederic Laloux: 

The Week: Deep Conversations for Powerful Action


Join Frederic Laloux, author of “Reinventing Organizations” and co-founder of “The Week” for a dive into his own journey in trying to overcome climate despair and step into action. 

“The Week” is an online video series designed to spark deep, meaningful conversations that explore the complexities of climate change and inspire ways to foster change in your organisations and communities. 

We will introduce the format and learnings they have gathered from thousands of participants over the years before the Summit, encourage the IDG Community to organize your own “The Week” experience and then gather for a debrief on 11 November.


Date & Time: Thursday, 26 September, 15-17:00 CET; Monday, 11 November, 15-16:00 CET
Hosted by: Maria Modigh, Innovation Specialist, Mental Health & Psychosocial Wellbeing 
Registration: Required, via Summit Online Platform
Price: Free for all IDG Summit ticket holders

Post-Summit Special feat Robert Kegan

 Immunity to Change

“Immunity to Change” is a novel approach to personal improvement, now being deployed all over the world, which surfaces and engages those aspects of a person’s underlying mindset that most prevent them from making the very changes they most want to make. This workshop will provide you a fast-moving opportunity to try on this approach for yourselves, conducted by one of its creators, Harvard professor Dr. Robert Kegan. Come with a Personal Improvement Goal you most want to work on!


Date & Time: Thursday, 24 October, 17:00-19:30 CET 
Hosted By: Heather Nehring, International Trainer & Coach
Registration: Required, via Summit Online Platform  
Price: Free for all IDG Summit ticket holders 


There will be several side events taking place before and after the Summit. For further details, please visit the Howspace Summit Page.


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